Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What Came To Mind

Today I was asked why it took me so long to publish a new blog post. As I responded I thought maybe this would be good time to share that answer with others, and let you see how that question has spurred me to new perspectives on learning. What initially came to mind was Time. I felt that my time was better spent and more valuable when I read more blogs and gain understanding, rather than generically addressing some issue that another has probably already addressed in a more thorough fashion.

I find inspiration in the visions and words of others. The eloquence, and analysis of the blog posts that I read often cause me to feel better served spending my time reading posts, rather than writing them. The ways in which others challenge my thinking is remarkable. I would like to take a moment to share three of the influences and how they shape my thinking.

First, I am Challenged to Change.
George Couros, a principal in Stony Plains Alberta, challenges me to discuss and contemplated learning. His blog, The Principal of Change, reflects creative ideas and commentary that bring about personal reflection about educational strategies and instruction.

Second, I am Inspired to Incorporate. David Truss is a principal of a PreK-9 Foreign Nationals School in Dalian, China. His blog, Pair-a-dimes for your thoughts, inspires me to look beyond the classroom. To initiating contact with parents and those around me in an attempt to promote outcome and achievement. His focus on student challenges and success are the driving force behind my planned outcomes.

Third, I am Compelled to Confront.

Susan Carter Morgan is a PLP Social Networking Strategist. Her blog, scmorgan learning in open spaces, compels me to view education through the 21st Century mindset. Confronting the reality that change is inevitable, and the more open and receptive we are to accept change will enable us to lead rather than follow. I must always create instead of react, and be excited rather than anxious when learning something new.

These were the thoughts that were going through my mind after being questioned. But alas, then a revelation struck...

Reflecting about my blog silence, I was afforded opportunity to pause and consider my motives. This question served as an avenue that provided me with a quality insight regarding networking and communication. I began to think about how I have been influenced by others, and was challenged in my thinking that maybe I influence others too. We all play a part in the collaboration of ideas. Sometimes as the taker, and sometimes as the giver, and sometimes we fill both roles simultaneously.

By thinking in this manner, I am faced with the choice to become less selfish in just my reading and learning, and more challenged in my sharing and distribution of thoughts and ideas. Ultimately it is the sharing that will further increase the knowledge rather than just data acquisition. So I challenge you as well as myself, make an opportunity to share something with someone. You may feel it is insignificant, but to them it may be extremely relevant and needed.


  1. Thanks for your kind comments. I hope we all get to the point where we realize that we will only be better together.Through sharing, reflecting, and yes, sometimes push back, we learn. And that's what it's all about:)

  2. Thank you for your kind words Rob. It's a timely post for me as I have not written a post since September 8th. I've tried a couple times and actually have two drafts started... but I've been so busy at school that I just can't find the time to connect online. And oddly enough, when I'm not engaging and sharing with my digital colleagues and friends, I find it very difficult to engage in the writing process. I've always known that I am a 'slow blogger', mulling over my writing and taking three times as long to write something than my word count would suggest... but it seems that the simultaneous give-and-take that you talk about has become a vital part of what I do as a blogger.
    I applaud your challenge to all who read this to take the time to share. Thanks for the inspiration!
